Back to Personal Training with Menno Henselmans’ evidence-based Fitness Program

I’m excited to announce that I’ve been accepted into Menno Henselmans’ Personal Training Course. The program runs for 10 months, and upon passing the final exam, I’ll be certified to work as a Personal Trainer and Online Coach in most countries.

The course material is quite dense, so I’ve decided to use this blog to write about what I learn each week, to help me better understand and retain all the new information.

My journey in the fitness industry began over 15 years ago when I first graduated from university with a degree in psychology. While studying, I also trained part-time at a local college to become a personal trainer.

My work primarily focused on helping people with lower back pain improve their core strength. I enjoyed the anatomical puzzle-solving aspect of the job, but the emotional intensity of helping clients rehabilitate and transform their bodies took its toll. After working in the industry for about 7 years, I decided to step away from physical therapy.

I transitioned into a career as a software engineer. Now, in my mid-thirties, I am the co-founder of a tool for scheduling Twitter threads. When Elon Musk bought Twitter last year, all the uncertainty surrounding the Twitter’s future wasn’t great for our business.

As a backup plan, I considered returning to personal training. However, having been away from the industry for over 15 years, I realized I needed to educate myself on the developments I had missed. Menno’s program seemed like the perfect opportunity to get back into personal training, as it emphasizes an evidence-based approach and offers a realistic timeframe for those already working full-time.

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